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May Reading List

Published:Suggest Changes

I can’t believe this still needs to be said, but here it is again. BLACK LIVES MATTER. As an ally, my goal is to put money and actions where my mouth is. The Minnesota Freedom Fund is one of many organizations you can support.

I was mentally pretty exhausted this month and my reading material reflects that. I’m only going to highlight the memorable ones.

  1. All Adults Here
  2. Big Summer
  3. What We Carry: A Memoir: A beautiful book about mother-daughter relationships, because it not only shows the warm, fuzzy parts but also the really hard, draining parts
  4. The Snakes
  5. The Boy from the Woods
  6. Ask Again, Yes
  7. Everything I Never Told You
  8. The Knockout Queen
  9. Becoming: I don’t know what took me so long to read this book, but it brought my nostalgia for the Obama’s back in full force. Michelle is a true force of nature.
  10. Breathe In, Cash Out

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